Wainwright’s Coast to Coast Walk – GPS related

Ok, I did offer to do this – so here goes.

I am listing a few files that I have found +/- altered +/- dreamt up from the web that MAY be of use to Coast to coast (c2c) walkers.

In particular I have a list of 514 GPSr waypoints (!) that I have recently modified from the “original” posting. These are in GPX format and SHOULD work with almost any program that accepts GPX (which I think is almost all of ’em!) Credit for these points must go to several people :-

John Ledger – original author of the points
Guy Wilson – who apparently made them available on the web
“Canmal” and “Rick F” – who posted a compiled GPX file for general use which was subsequently hosted by Lone Walker at his website – Make sure you have a look at all his C2C resources!

I have been collecting C2C info in anticipation of my walk, and will shortly add some other data to this site – watch out for a complete GPS “Track” split into usable sections to keep you company on the walk!

I also hope to “record” the entire walk on my own unit and will subsequently post the Track logs for those interested.

7 thoughts on “Wainwright’s Coast to Coast Walk – GPS related”

  1. Hey, I wanted to thank you for making these waypoints available. My mom used them for walking the trail and found them invaluable.

  2. I am doing the C2C walk next year and have borrowed a Garmin 48 GPS unit. As I am a complete novice with GPS how do get the gpx file onto the Garmin.

  3. Hi Greg, I’m in the same boat as you. I’ll be getting my hands on a Garmin 60cs before we come over from Canada to do the walk next year. Any helpful tips would be greatly appriciated from any and all experienced walkers.


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