Juggling life!

Many years ago a friend of mine had a copy of “Juggling for the complete Klutz” which transiently got me interested in the subject. I read (glanced through) the book but wasn’t really motivated and never got around to it.

Recently – for reasons that are immediately obscure <!> I have decided to revisit the topic. Surprisingly, “Juggling for the complete Klutz!”, first published in 1977,  is still in print – after over 40 years! It even comes with a set of juggling bean-bags/balls. (To those in the juggling world, Bean bags are apparently known as “Thuds” – perhaps because of the sound they make when they hit the floor – time after time after time…..you get the picture.) The book very welcoming, well written, reassuring and most importantly CHEAP with pictures 😀

Juggling for the Complete Klutz
My path to stardom??

I purchased mine through my local  book store (remember those?), although they did have to order it in. As far as I can see it is readily available from your local area store or online..

Hopefully, with diligent practice ( I’ll give it 10-15 minutes a day) I’ll be able to juggle three ‘balls’ within a month. After that? World domination!

Why do I think I may succeed this time? What’s change since last time? Well, firstly I have the TIME. Previously I had more going on in my life and I wasn’t really motivated to take the time to practice. Secondly – I have the urge to learn something new. Even if it is as “useless” as juggling! (More on this later.)

Oh in case you are wondering – WHY did I buy this book and not go down the path of checking out multiple reviews and web sites as is my usual practice? I guess familiarity with the book. Basically I was after information – a far less tangible item than a new piece of tech equipment. Nothing is new in the juggling world as far as I can see. It has been the same for centuries. And well… Pictures and ‘free’ bean bags 😀

I’ll keep you updated as I go along. Fingers crossed!

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